
Central Maine

Located in Central Maine and in close proximity to cities like Waterville, Augusta and Lewiston, First Atlantic’s facilities provide high quality longterm care, skilled nursing and rehabilitation therapy services in quiet, comfortable home like settings. On this page you will find a brief description of each First Atlantic Facility in Central Maine. For more information on the facility closest to you, we encourage you to click on the facility picture or logo to view its respective website or, where a website is not available, contact the local administrator to learn about specific services and how we can best meet your care needs.

Skilled Nursing, Longterm Care and Rehab Centers

Skowhegan, Maine Nursing Home

Woodlawn Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

59 West Front Street Skowhegan, Maine 04976 | 207-474-9300

Woodlawn Rehabilitation is a 46 bed skilled nursing, longterm care and rehabilitation center servicing the greater Skowhegan area. By virtue of our small size, guests are afforded a personalized, intimate, warm environment in which to receive care. The experienced friendly staff follow evidence based clinical best practices designed to keep you healthy and return you to an independent life as quickly as medically possible. Guests are able to receive inpatient and outpatient physical therapy as well as occupational and speech therapy. Our staff is also able to provide care for dementia and cognitive illness in a safe and secure environment.