
First Atlantic's Approach To Management Services

Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Management Services in Maine | First Atlantic HealthCare

What We Do:

First Atlantic HealthCare is a healthcare development, management and consulting company that leverages our extensive healthcare experience to help unsatisfied and frustrated operators, government agencies or financial lenders find success using our proven expertise in the rigorous 24/7 operating environments of skilled healthcare, retirement or assisted living properties.

How we Do it:

Our highly skilled and professional team deploys proven expertise to improve market share, customer and employee satisfaction, quality, compliance and profitability through the use of data driven methods informed by specific business and industry metrics.

Each facility under our management is connected to our management firm through an individualized contract for services. These contracts detail the service scope and duties for our firm.

Healthcare Management

Our responsibilities can include singularly or in combination the following services seen below.

Clinical dashboard reporting

  • CMS quality indicators
  • STAR rating
  • Safety measures
  • Satisfaction

Financial reporting

  • Billing and revenue recovery
  • Accounts Payable processing
  • Payroll processing

Cash management

  • forecasting
  • safeguarding
  • reconciling


  • ​Annual operating plan preparation
  • capital expenditure plan

Lender relations

  • Original issue initiation
  • Refinancing
  • Financial evaluation
  • Processing coordination
  • Ongoing covenant management
  • Certificate of Need expertise

Project management

  • Design
  • Budget management
  • Value consulting

Turnaround consulting

  • Distressed property consulting
  • Lendor negotiations
  • Receiver appointment
  • Valuation
  • Cash flow maximization

Original, Modern on Budget….

Seaport Village, a new, 63,600-square-foot, two-story facility built in Ellsworth Maine, 91 beds — 61 skilled nursing care, including rehabilitation services, and 30 for assisted living opened in December 2014.

Seaport Village

Coffin, Bowden and Sherwood, Seaport Village site

The Outcome:

As an organization, we leverage 40+ years of development and management experience in Maine healthcare operations to improve compliance and evaluate the cost of delivering services while maximizing occupancy. Our approach has successfully turned around struggling facilities state wide allowing individuals the opportunity to continue receiving care in close proximity to their homes.

The network we manage with a patient centered philosophy and a progressive set of quality improvement metrics ensures that quality improved care is being delivered satisfactorily to guests each day. From dining, to medication management, to quality of life enhancement, you can be certain we are always working towards a better state of health and well-being that respects dignity and individual choice. We do this by delivering services to your lovedones as if they were to our most dear family member.

Due to the successes we have experienced as an organization through our comprehensive management model, in recent years First Atlantic has been able to invest more than $40 million into facilities state-wide, ensuring Maine residents requiring long-term-care, skilled nursing and rehabilitative therapies receive these services in comfortable, clean, modern facilities.

These improvements also offer care providers working in the facilities access to state of the art equipment and environments for delivering award winning quality of care. Serving one of the fastest aging populations in the country, First Atlantic is committed to ensuring employees and facilities meet the needs of Maine communities for a long time to come.


Maine Healthcare Facilities

Left to right Administrator Sara Sherwood, Mrs. H Bowden standing beside her son Ken Bowden, and Craig Coffin

A Note on Quality

First Atlantic’s operational model offers exceptional opportunities for managing the quality of service delivery across a broad geographic area. Our medical director works closely with clinicians at each facility to develop, disseminate and constantly update clinical best practice. Years ago, we implemented a quality assurance and innovation program intended to identify needed areas for improvement in our facilities. Now that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service are tracking and reporting the quality of skilled nursing and rehabilitation providers, First Atlantic is proud to see that our long standing commitment to quality has placed our facilities among the best in Maine for quality of services provided, quality of clinical outcomes and overall ability to meet the expectations of patients for experience.

Award Winning Quality